Welcome to Undivided

Transforming lives
well beyond money

Undivided helps you achieve your ideal life.

We are dedicated to helping people uncover the incredible answers to questions, such as:

  • What is most important to me?

  • What do I really want?

  • How do I create a life of legacy?

Our team provides you and your family a multi-faceted solution through three distinct avenues: Undivided Wealth Management, Undivided Consulting and the Undivided Experience Center.

Let your journey begin.

Explore how we serve you

  • Undivided Wealth Management

    As expert solution providers, our independent team provides an Undivided Plan based on “What’s Most Important to You.”

    Our comprehensive planning is centered on your values and life stage.

    We build your Undivided Plan from your investment plan, financial plan and life plan. These detailed plans empower decision-making, peace of mind and freedom.

  • Undivided Experience Center

    The Undivided Experience Center and Insight Platform provides powerful insight and life-changing experiences.

    Our 7,500 square foot facility provides an incredible environment for learning and collaboration, plus rental event space. Our diverse community is authentic, supportive and connected.

    The UEC provides knowledge and support to achieve your purpose.

  • Undivided Consulting

    Undivided Life, Career and Business Consulting provides results-driven processes, proven tools and a valuable network of experts. Our process is focused on our people centric mission.

    Our business consulting had led to the People Centric Project which collaborates with Washington University and St. Louis University MBA program and provides a Quarterly Speaker Series.

“Thank you for helping me evaluate everything that truly matters.”

-Shaun Duvall, client